Summer Reading

Read this summer

Dear Families:
This year your child has worked hard to develop as a reader. Students and teachers have set individual goals and worked together to meet those goals. Your child has learned that it is important to be sure they are reading text that is a “good fit” for them, so their reading experiences are “fast, fun and easy.” Please help your child to maintain their reading growth over the summer by dedicating 30 minutes each day, to listen to your child read books and have conversation about what they read. Visiting the Public Library is a great way to find new favorites and have a wide selection of poetry, fiction, and informational books.

Yellow level text

1 Green List

2 Green List

1 Blue List

2 Blue List

1 Red List

2 Red List

White Book List

Black Book List

Orange Book List

2nd Grade Reading List

3rd Grade List

Fourth Grade List

FIfth Grade List